BERGEN - C25:33

MALWI MARINE having extremely large stock of Engine and Parts for MARINE and POWERPLANT application. More than 5000 main components of 4 Stroke engines in stock including most known brands such as WARTSILA, MAK, DEUTZ, YANMAR, DAIHATSU, MAN B&W, SULZER, SKL, HIMSEN, EMD, ROLLS ROYCE, BERGEN, CATERPILLAR, CUMMINS, NIIGATA, ALLEN, PIELSTICK, MIRRLEES, MITSUBISHI etc. We keep in stock complete Engine, Diesel Generator Set and main components such as Crankshaft, Engine block, Camshaft, Liner, Cylinder Cover, Piston, Connecting Rod, Fuel Pump, Water Pump, Lub Oil Pump, Fuel Feed Pump, Air Cooler, Governor, After Cooler etc. Which include NEW, RECONDITION and QUALITY CONTROLLED SECOND-HAND parts with technical reports. Our major strengths are Extensive Huge Stock, Abundant experience of 65 years in engineering, Workshop near Indian shipbreaking yard approved by class for all N.D. test facility, Worldwide supply from INDIA.